


Liquid polyaluminium chloride


The liquid polyaluminum chloride is used for sewage treatment, which can be quickly incorporated into the sewage water quality, reduce the solid dissolution time, and play a more effective role in the product. It has high efficiency electric neutralization and bridging flocculation function for colloid and particle in water, and can effectively remove turbidity, chroma, heavy metal ions and trace organic matters in water.


Liquid polyaluminum chloride is used for sewage treatment, which is an inorganic polymer flocculant with high efficiency, low consumption, low price, non-toxic and harmless. It is mainly convenient to use and simple to operate. It can be widely used in sewage treatment of domestic sewage, pharmacy, printing and dyeing, textile and other industries.

廠家直銷  量大從優(yōu)

 訂貨熱線  0571-86335160