


Semiconductor chip

Chips are the core and most important part of the information industry and the soul of China's intelligent manufacturing. In semiconductor chip manufacturing technology, semiconductor chips with various functions are formed through a series of processes such as photolithography, etching, deposition, ion implantation, grinding, cleaning, etc., which will produce a lot of wastewater. The pollutants in wastewater include fluoride, acid and alkali waste liquid, organic waste liquid, heavy metal ion pollutants, etc., which are highly corrosive and toxic.

Through in-depth analysis of the production process, the wastewater is divided into fluoride containing wastewater, ammonia containing wastewater, CMP grinding wastewater, heavy metal wastewater and other multi-channel wastewater. The treatment process is designed separately for different wastewater quality. Through effective pre-treatment measures, various kinds of wastewater can be treated up to standard and reclaimed water can be reused as resources.

Project Case


Qingdao A Project