


Ferrous sulfate


Ferrous sulfate includes anhydrous, monohydrate, tetrahydrate, pentahydrate and heptahydrate. Heptahydrate, also known as alum, is a light blue-green monoclinic crystal or crystalline particle, odorless and convergent. It can be weathered in dry atmosphere and oxidized to yellowish brown. Insoluble in ethanol, soluble in water.


It is widely used in water treatment industry, and its flocculation and iron removal effect is irreplaceable. It is commonly used as flocculant, precipitator and reducing agent. It has the following characteristics: Flocculant: fast settling speed, large sludge particles, small and dense sludge volume, good color removal effect; Precipitating agent: it can generate sediment with sulfide, phosphate, etc., to remove sulfide, phosphate, etc; Reductant: It can reduce hexavalent chromium from chromium wastewater containing water in electroplating plant to trivalent chromium, and has the advantage of low price without producing toxic and carcinogenic irritant chlorides.

廠家直銷(xiāo)  量大從優(yōu)

 訂貨熱線(xiàn)  0571-86335160