


Anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria


Anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria are commonly known as "red bacteria". The particle size of granular sludge is about 0.9-3.7mm. Through biochemical reaction, nitrous acid is used to oxidize ammonia into nitrogen to achieve the removal of total nitrogen in wastewater, which is a "shortcut" for biological nitrogen removal. Through targeted breeding, the anaerobic ammonium oxidation granular sludge with the highest activity in the world was obtained. The cultivation technology of anaerobic ammonium oxidation granular sludge was established with the substrate concentration and hydraulic load as the selective pressure.


1. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation has high efficiency and low cost, which is an upgrading technology for biological denitrification of wastewater! Anaerobic ammonia oxidation process is an autotrophic process, which does not require additional carbon sources and has less sludge production. The operation cost can be greatly reduced by using this process. The volume load of the process is high, more than 10 times that of the traditional process, which can greatly reduce the volume of the reactor or reaction tank, and greatly reduce the cost input and floor area of the tank. 2. It can be used in photovoltaic industry, sludge digestion, coal chemical industry, garbage landfill, food processing, petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical chemical industry, metal smelting, livestock and poultry breeding, etc.

廠家直銷  量大從優(yōu)

 訂貨熱線  0571-86335160